Zeit - Usability Testing




High-fidelity prototype for Zeit, a time travel online booking service website.


Evaluate how easy and intuitive navigating the website is for the users’ comprehension.


  • Observe how and with the use of what search and/or navigation features available the users will prefer to get to a specific part of the site (Product Page, in this case).

  • Test how easy the users can Make a Reservation for the specific destination they had to find.

  • Determine what problems (if any) users encounter while navigating the site on their own.


Remote: Share the Figma prototype with the users and observe their actions and reactions via a video call.


Number of Participants: 4-5.

Age Demographics: 21-40.

Personality: Adventurous people who enjoy learning about history, art and culture and travel often.


Hello <...>! I’m Olesia Hukriede. I need to test my limited website version for a time travel online booking service named Zeit. I appreciate your agreeing to participate in the testing. Your task today will be to find a product page and complete four simple steps of making a reservation for a destination. I hope the site design doesn’t make you feel confused or helpless. If it does, please feel free to express it. However, my goal for you is to complete your task without much help or guidance from my side. I’ll be observing you and I’ll have to record the testing process for the sole purpose of further improvement of the site. I hope it’s okay with you. Let me know if you have any questions!


You and your friends just heard about Zeit and decided to take a time travel trip to Vienne of Mozart’s time. You need to find the product page for such destination on the site and when you get there, you also need to complete four steps of making portal and accommodation reservation for booking your trip.



  • What is your overall first impression of the site?

  • Does it (and if so, then in what ways) look any different from or similar to other travel sites you have used before?

  • Does it feel like some feature you could use there is missing?

  • Do you find anything confusing?

  • Do the navigation links make sense to you before clicking on them and revealing their contents?

  • Do the dropdown menus categories and subcategories make sense to you?

  • Are the search tools easy to use? Does anything about them confuse you or feel missing?

Category Page

  • Do you find the filter options sufficient for narrowing down the results?

  • Is there anything missing or out of place about the page?

  • Does anything make you feel confused?

Product Page

  • Do you find the structure of the page not logical, intuitive or informative enough?

  • Does it make sense to you how content sections are prioritized and located within the page? Would you expect/prefer it to be any different? Why and in what ways?

  • Do the four steps of making reservations for the destination make sense to you? How clear and easy to complete are they for you? Was there anything about them that made you feel confused or helpless?

  • How did the overall experience of completing the steps make you feel? What issues (if any) did you run into while completing those steps?


(the percentage of tasks the user was able to complete)


(the percentage of tasks completed without errors or hiccups)





4 participants, 21 – 48, 3 males and 1 female


Type of the test: Remote usability test conducted via Zoom

Figma prototype link: https://www.figma.com/file/fRvr2TKWH6hxw1WuiIMKvC/Zeit-Prototype?node-id=0%3A1

Completion rate: 100%

Error-free rate: 50%

  • 1 user did not understand the exact meaning of a filter option

  • 1 user clicked on features that weren’t active as they were not a part of the flow and did not understand at first the logic behind the order of a section’s elements


Find a Destination – Mozart’s Vienna

Positive feedback:

  • All users said that finding the destination was easy

  • 1 user liked the dropdown menus of the Top Navigation and found them convenient

Pain points:

  • 1 user had a minor confusion with the Category Page filters


  • 2 users preferred to get to the destination via the Search Bar

  • 1 user found the destination via the Footer

  • 1 user got to the destination page by using the Top Navigation


Make reservations on the Product Page

Positive feedback:

  • All users found navigating the page easy

  • 2 users noted that it was convenient to have all the information on the same page

  • 1 user found the reservation steps compact and not overloaded with filters

  • 2 users said it was a quick reservation experience

Pain points:

  • 1 user did not understand right away what Find Portals Within meant, but he figured it out on his own within seconds and with no negative emotions

  • 1 user was confused for a moment about Your Location thinking it had to do with the location of the destination she had to find

  • 1 user was confused with the order of the time slot options


  • The time slot options might need to be reorganized as 1 user got stuck at that point for a moment