Olesia Hukriede

Writer and Translator

Olesia Hukriede is the author of a low fantasy NA book series The Wanderer of the Night. She's also a translator, TEFL tutor, polyglot , and devoted mother of two.

The story weaves outworldness into the fabric of reality embellished with magic and mystery ️ and gold-threaded with romance and friendship tropes.

Born on earth, the characters of The Wanderer of the Night ventured beyond our world's boundaries, some for ulterior motives, others -- for the greater good. They make mistakes, sometimes fatal ones, and they all are flawed in their own way.

The four-book series narrates about an unfortunate wanderer trapped between worlds, looking for answers, a little girl who's to grow up into a powerful savioress, and the cursed one who bartered more than just his soul for the power to turn the Mortal Realm upside down.

To top it off, the story offers immortalized humans, animagus, and mighty spirits who know all the answers but won't move a pinkie to protect the doomed mortals from a deadly invasion of bloodthirsty lost souls.

The abysmal well and the beast in it are a separate puzzle to solve. The secret the beast keeps is vicious, and he will have the abandoned boy dancing to his pipe before he could blink and say, "Never!"

And then come centuries to span, whether in the eternal dark of the Beyond, or in the dark of insatiable human desires. Is there someone to come and bring the all-changing light?

In the series you'll find:

- ️ portals and bridges between worlds

- animagus and immortality

- dark magic and sacrificial rituals

- noble heroes and morally gray characters

- friendship and loyalty, as well as treacherous sidekicks

- pure hearts and morally corrupt ones

- supernatural things and parallel reality

- heartbreaking dilemmas

- shocking plot twists

- and MORE

Olesia's TOP 10 are (besides books ):

- cats

- outdoors

- gardening

- mushroom hunting

- French fries

- tropical islands

- summer

- snorkeling

- movie soundtracks

- languages

Olesia is not a fan of:

- overcast

- long rainy winters

- driving

- singing in public

- small talk

- dental appts

- making phone calls

- promoting her own books

Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren’t very new after all.
— Abraham Lincoln