The Wanderer of the Night

Dark Fantasy Book Series

The Wanderer of the Night is a four-book series, a story of true love, unfailing friendship and great sacrifice. Starting in the 18th century and reaching as far as the post-Apocalyptic early 2100-s, it narrates about a secret world discovered by a group of power-seeking outcasts from Earth, where they establish their kingdom and, with the support of a mighty dark-energy source, plot an invasion of the Mortal Realm.

But there is always a counterpower to any power, and so, Gael and David, two best friends and fearless double-agents nested in the very enemy's lair, dedicatedly spend decades in the dark kingdom determined to undermine the wicked plans of its ruler – the ever-young White Prince. But will they be able to protect the Savioress to the Mortal Realm – the only one endowed with the power to defeat the universal evil?

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A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.
— George R.R. Martin



Back to Working on the Series!

19 August 2024

Hey, friends and booklovers! I'm back!

It's been a long break, I know, and most of it I spent with my sweet baby who just turned 15 months.

Now, my older one is back to school, and my husband is back to work. Time to squeeze in some writing between diaper changing and slobber-fingered cuddles.

Btw, despite being a busy momma, in the past year I had two successful #giveaways on GoodReads with over a 1000 copies requested by unique readers. If you still haven't read The Wanderer of the Night - For the Greater Good, go grab your digital or printed copy HERE.

Or, go on Audible and listen to the story read by an amazing narrator (everyone's opinion, not just mine ) - HERE.

I also have resumed working on Book 2 of the fantasy book series The Wanderer of the Night, and it's been going pretty steady-paced.

Alright. Back to work I am. Have an awesome Monday and remember to check my social media pages for teasers and stuff!

Yours truly,

Olesia Hukriede.


Printed Copies Temporarily N/A

20 August 2024

I had to remove hard copies of my book from Amazon. Why? I'll explain.

Last year, I published Book 1 of The Wanderer of the Night series shortly before having my second baby, and then things got too crazy to find time to promote or write more.

Despite all that, I still got good reviews and helpful feedback (thank you, guys! ), which made me see the story's potential in a new light.

Now that I'm back to writing , I want to give my full focus to completing the whole four-book series. Turns out, stories are like puzzles - I didn't have all the pieces when I was writing Book 1. So, now the rest of the books need to be completed to have a quality product to offer.

You can still find first edition Book 1 on Kindle and Audible to get acquainted with the premises, but physical copies are temporarily unavailable.

I highly recommend you to wait for second edition Book 1 as well as for the three following books.

To get to read the books as early as they come out of final editing , please contact me to become my ARC reader .

BONUS for your patience -- I promise to come back with an awesome cover redesign !

P. S. To add the book to your TBR - look no farther than Goodreads or Amazon!