Zeit - UI Product Requirements




Arrives to Homepage and wants to find a trip to book.


·         Homepage.

·         Category Page.

·         Product Details Page.


·        A Homepage that is informative and logically structured to give access to all the essential parts of the site, allowing searching for products in multiple ways depending on the user’s personal preferences.

·        A Category Page allowing for browsing through all of the destinations.

·        A Product Details page that gives sufficient information about a destination and allows for booking a trip.



·         Simple main navigation with a logo and a few options allowing to access the site’s content in a clearly structured way (dropdown menus for each main navigation option).

·         A standard Search Bar.

·         Sign In / Sign Up options.

·         A hero section with a background photo and a message to the user transferring the main idea of Zeit.

·         An additional Search Bar with respective input fields allowing to search for trips based on the user’s preferred location/destination, dates and number of travelers.

·         A feature allowing to give the user suggestions on destinations based on his previous booked trips and search preferences.

·         A Recommended Destinations section allowing the site to offer popular destinations to the user.

·         A possibility to bookmark items the user is interested in (for registered users only).

·         A Travel Packages section allowing the site to offer the user ready-to-book trip bundles.

·         A Discover section giving the user more additional options on searching for trips by certain categories.

·         A simple minimalistic Subscribe to Our Newsletter section with a CTA.

·         A detailed footer for better SEO as well as to give the user more options on searching for trips and getting useful information about the site as well as finding answers to their questions.

·         An online support chat box to allow the user get in touch with immediate support from the site (must be accessible from any page).


·         Breadcrumbs to keep the user aware of their current location within the site (should be added to all the other pages too, actually, not only here).

·         An additional Search bar.

·         Filters allowing for narrowing down the number of items a category offers.

·         Cards demonstrating the available items of a category (broken into pages 16 items per).


·         Information about the destination, its location, rating and price.

·         Bookmarking and sharing options.

·         Promo photos related to the destination to give the user a better idea about it.

·         Your Preferences section allowing the user to find trip options – flights and hotels – meeting their date, location, number of guests, and other related preferences.

·         A possibility for the user to choose a time travel portal for his flight and accommodation for his trip before proceeding to the actual booking page (to avoid availability related frustrations).

·         A few more sections with more useful destination related information such as Places to Eat, Attractions and Activities.