Portfolio Website - Research Plan





The client is a musician and composer working in the niche of film score writing. She needs a responsive portfolio website where she could share her audio and video works with the potential clients in order to make them interested in hiring her.


Since the project is for a highly competitive field of job finding, it makes it crucial for the product to stand out and convey the client’s uniqueness in the way that will benefit her goal.


·         Learn what the client’s goals, motivations and expectations are.

·         Find out what can make our website stand out among other similar websites.

·         Get to understand the target user better.


·         Discuss with the client her goals, motivations and expectations concerning the to-be-designed website.

·         Choose a few strong direct competitors and run a competitive research to learn about their strengths and weaknesses.

·         Organize and conduct user interviews to understand the target user better.


·         What is the reason behind the project? What are the main goals, motivations and expectations of the client?

·         Does the client have any examples of what she expects?

·         Who are our competitors?

·         What strengths and weaknesses do our competitors have?

·         How can we use the information about our competitors’ strengths and weaknesses for the benefit of the website?

·         Who is our target user?

·         What does the target user expect from a portfolio website?

·         What positive or negative experiences did they have with portfolio websites in the past?

·         How can we use that information to make our website more convenient in the eyes of the user?


·         Client Interview:

-       prepare an interview script;

-       share a list of possible questions with the client so that she knows what to expect and can prepare better;

-       ask the client if she already has any particular examples of what end result she expects, and if so, then ask her to have those examples ready for the meeting; if not – possibly prepare a few examples to discuss in order to learn more about what will work for the client and what won’t;

-       have an interview with the client;

-       find out what information she already has and what information needs to be obtained;

-       discuss the examples of other websites to determine her goals and expectations;

-       record the interview and then document the findings.

·         Competitive Research:

-       pick a 3 or 4 good examples of composer’s portfolio websites;

-       run a competitive analysis of the chosen competitor websites;

-       document strengths and weaknesses of the competitors;

-       summarize a conclusion of what we learned from the competitor analysis and how we could benefit from that knowledge.

·         User Interviews:

-       write a script containing the user interview questions;

-       recruit participants;

-       conduct the interview based on the interview script as well as ask additional insightful questions depending on how the conversation goes;

-       record the interviews (with the permission of the interviewees);

-       document the findings.


·         The client.

·         Potential users: film directors, producers, content creators, composer agents, etc.


·         Client might not agree with the results of the research and still want things to be done differently.

·         Difficulties might arise when finding and scheduling interviews with the movie industry representatives within a limited time frame.


·         Prepare a client interview script.

·         Conduct the client interview.

·         Document the findings.

·         Run a competitive research.

·         Prepare a user interview script.

·         Recruit user interview participants.

·         Conduct user interviews.

·         Document the findings.

·         Summarize all the findings in a research debrief.

·         Create user personas based on the research.