ParentSpace - UI Product Requirements





·         Wants to register and create a user profile.

·         Wants to find friends.


·         Sign In Page.

·         Create Profile Flow.

·         Homepage.

·         Profile Page.

·         Friends Page.

·         Find Friends Flow.


·         A Sign In Page that will allow the user to enter the app or create an account;

·         A Create Profile Flow that will allow the user to keep some of their personal information (like location or children’s info) private unless they choose otherwise; the user should be able to add information about themselves, their interests and the reasons to join the app sufficient to allow the app autosuggest matching profiles later on.

·         A Homepage that will allow the user to browse their news feed, add comments to and share other users’ posts as well as add their own posts.

·         A Profile Page that will allow the user view and edit their profile information as well as reset their privacy preferences.

·         A Friends Page that will allow the user to view their friends list, see friendship requests and autosuggested matches, and look for new friends.

·         A Find Friends Flow that will allow the user to perform customizable search for potential new friends’ profiles as well as send friendship requests and private messages to the profiles’ owners.

·         Additional elements such as:

-         A Top Navigation Bar accessible from all major pages and allowing the user to navigate different sections of the app as well as search for information;

-         A Tab Bar accessible from all major pages and allowing the user to navigate between the major pages of the app;

-         A Logo.



·         A logo

·         Sign In / Sign Up buttons

·         A forgot password link

·         Sign In With Google and Sign In With Facebook buttons

Create Profile Flow

·         Add a Back to Sign In link to all the screens in this flow except for the last one (Congratulations Screen).

·         Add a Back/Next button to each screen in this flow except for the Welcome Screen, the Privacy Settings screen and the Congratulations Screen.

·         A Welcome Screen:

-         a brief encouraging intro message;

-         a Create Profile button.

·         Personal Info Screens allowing adding such information as:

- name, username, email address, password;

- age, gender, location, stay-at-home-parent-since info;

- about info;

- a profile photo.

·         An About Your Kids screen:

-         number of children;

-         their age and gender.

·         Interests Screens (to provide for better matching between users):

-         reasons for joining the app (meeting in person or just chatting online);

-         a list of indoors and outdoors activities/hobbies for the user to check (add an Other input field for more options to be added by the user as well);

-         a list of group activities the user might be interested in participating in together with other parents and their children (add an Other input field for more options to be added by the user as well).

·         A Friendship Preferences screen (to specify the preferred matching criteria):

-         gender, age, location, children’s age.

·         Privacy Settings Screen allowing the user to adjust their preferences on who can:

-         view their profile;

-         see their location;

-         see their children’s info;

-         see their posts;

-         friend them;

-         message them.

PLUS add two buttons: Submit and Go Back to Edit.

·         A Congratulations Screen:

-         a short congratulations-on-profile-creation message;

-         a Take Me to My Profile button;

-         a Take Me to Homepage button.


·         Top Navigation Bar and Tab Bar (see below for more detail).

·         An Add icon for adding your own posts.

·         News Feed displaying your friends’ posts; take the following features into account:

-         ability to add photos and videos as well as announcements and thoughts directly from the Homepage;

-         icons for options such as like, comment, share and bookmark.

Profile Page

·         Top Navigation Bar and Tab Bar (see below for more detail).

·         Profile photo.

·         Name, age, location (optional), stay-at-home parent since (years of being one).

·         Kids’ info (can be boy and girl icons with age stated below).

·         Friends count.

·         Posts count.

·         About and Interests tabs.

·         An Edit Profile button.

·         My Photos tab (square thumbnails; photos and videos separate from other posts)

·         My Posts tab

·         Tagged tab

·         Saved tab

Friends Page

·         Top Navigation Bar and Tab Bar (see below for more detail).

·         Friendship Requests link (+number of requests)

·         Find Friends button

·         My Friends tab

·         My Matches tab

·         A list of friends’ profiles (photo, name, location)

Find Friends Flow

·         Find Friends screen:

-         filters (gender, age, children’s info, location, interests);

-         a Find Friends button;

-         a Close button/icon.

·         Search Results screen:

-         a list of profiles found (photo, name, location);

-         a View button next to each profile;

-         a Back button/icon;

-         a Close button/icon.

·         View Profile screen:

-         profile photo;

-         name, age, location;

-         kids’ info (the boy/girl icons with age below them);

-         friends count;

-         posts count:

-         About and Interests tabs;

-         an Add Friend button;

-         a Message button/icon;

-         a Bookmark Profile button/icon;

-         a Report Profile button/icon (?);

-         a Back button/icon;

-         a Close button/icon.

Top Navigation Bar

·         A Hamburger Menu (TOP LEFT) with the following options: Ask the Community, Events, Announcements, Groups, Group Chat (for mutual psychological support), Privacy, Settings, Support, Terms of Use.

·         A Search Icon (TOP RIGHT).

Tab Bar

·         Tab Bar (BOTTOM):

-         a Home icon that will take the user to the Homepage;

-         a Messages icon that will take the user to their private messages;

-         a Friends icon that will take the user to the Friends page;

-         a Notifications icon: here the user can find notifications on likes, comments, friendship requests, etc.

-         a Profile icon (profile picture thumbnail?) that will take the user to their profile page.