Duolingo - User Survey




(number of participants – 10)

1.    What is your age?

A. 18 - 25

B. 26 - 37

C.   38 - 45

D. 46 - 60

E. 60+

Participants Chose: A – 1 time; B – 4 times; C – 1 time; D – 2 times; E – 2 times.

2.    What is your gender?

A. Female

B. Male

C. Other

Participants Chose: A – 5; B – 5.

3.    What is your occupation?

[Retired] - 1

[Working] - 6

[Student] - 2

[Disabled] - 1

4.    For how long have you been using Duolingo?

A. A week or less

B. A month or less

C. A few months

D. A year or more

E. A few years

Participants Chose: A – 0; B – 0; C- 4; D – 4; E – 2.

5.    How regularly do you use Duolingo?

A. Every day

B. A few times a week

C. A few times a month or rarer

Participants Chose: A – 6; B – 0; C – 4.

6.    How much time do you normally spend practicing in one session?

A. 5-15 min

B. 15-30 min

C. 30 min and more

Participants Chose: A – 4; B – 5; C – 1.

7.    How many different languages are you trying to learn?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3 or more

Participants Chose: A – 7; B – 2; C – 1.

8.    How easy is it for you to memorize new words?

A. Pretty easy

B. Some words are hard to remember

C. Takes some time and effort

D. I often struggle keeping new words in my head

E. Words that sound similar in different languages get mixed up in my head

Participants Chose: A – 0; B – 4; C – 4; D – 2; E – 0.

9.    How well do you remember the words you have learned after a while of not actively using them?

A. I still remember them very well

B. I might forget a few words with time

C. I forget new words within a few days of not using them

D. I lose my vocabulary if I don’t use it for a while

Participants Chose: A – 1; B- 6; C – 2, D – 1.

10.  How easy is it for you to understand why a new word takes this or that form?

(given that there is no specific explanation for this particular word in the grammar tips section of the app)

A. Very easy

B. Some word forms confuse me

C. Irregular word forms confuse me

D. I get confused over the use of new vocabulary very often

Participants Chose: A – 1; B – 4; C – 4; D – 1.

11.  In real life situations, do you ever feel short of knowledge trying to use in a sentence a word you learned on Duolingo, but not being sure what form it should take in that particular context?

(for instance, an irregular verb you don’t know all the forms for)

A. Normally, I know how to use a word in a new context

B. I never use my knowledge outside the app

C. It does happen sometimes

D. It happens often

Participants Chose: A – 0; B – 3; C – 4; D – 3.

12.  Has it ever happened to you that you had to look up word forms or meanings outside of Duolingo due to lack of information within the app?

A. Never

B. Once or twice

C. A few times

D. Multiple times

Participants Chose: A – 4; B – 1; C – 5; D – 0.

13.  How does it make you feel when words in Duolingo stories are translated in clusters (as opposed to getting translations for each word separately)?

(for instance, you tap on a word you want to see the translation for, and instead you get a translation for a 3-4 words phrase the word is part of)

A. I don’t care for that much detail

B. It’s a bit inconvenient as I have to look up each word separately outside the app

C. It makes me feel confused and frustrated

Participants Chose: A – 3; B – 2; C – 2.

Other Answers - 3:

[I don’t use]

[I don’t remember it ever happening]

[Stories are not available in my courses]

14.  When you learn new words, how do you make sure you don’t forget them?

A. I always remember everything I learn

B. I make notes sometimes

C. I have to copy down each new word I learn

D. I go back to previous lessons and practice to refresh my knowledge

E. I don’t mind forgetting a few words

Participants Chose: A – 0; B – 0; C – 1; D – 5; E – 3.

Other Answers - 1:

[I try to use them in sentences or just repeat those a few times]

15.  If you ever think of a word you have learned in your previous lessons, but can’t remember it correctly, how easy is it for you to find it within the app for a quick reference?

A. Very easy

B. Not easy

C. I don’t know where to look for the words I have learned within the app

D. I just Google it or use a dictionary

Participants Chose: A – 0; B – 0; C – 4; D – 5.

Other Answers - 1:

[I have never had to]

16.  How would you like it if you could have an option of finding all of your Duolingo vocabulary in one specific place within the app with translations and more detailed explanations?

A. That would be very helpful

B. Might come in useful

C. Not sure if I’ll use it

D. I don’t find it necessary

Participants Chose: A – 8; B – 2; C – 0; D – 0.

Other Answers – 0.

17.  What other platforms/sources (if any) do you use for studying languages and why did you choose them?

[Multitran. It gives multiple examples and it's easy to use]

[Tandem. So I can practice with people]


[None] – 7

18. If there were a vocabulary feature on Duolingo, what would you expect to find there?

[Irregular verbs would be helpful]

[Examples on the use of a word, thesaurus and synonyms]

[Mostly grammar]

[Everything learned and in chronological order]

[Words I’ve learned?]

[Where, when & what context of language should be used]

[Words with translations, forms, cases and different meanings in different context if that’s the case]

[Words with definitions, synonyms, forms, etc.]

[I don’t know] - 2